Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Museum Layang - Layang

Malam itu ketika aku sedang tidur ada petir sangat keras menyambar dan membuat alarm mobilku berbunyi dan membuat listrik dirumah ku mati. Besoknya adalah hari sabtu dan ternyata listrik di rumah masih mati. Itu adalah hari yang menyedihkan. Lalu kami memutuskan untuk pergi jalan jalan. Mana tahan tinggal dirumah waktu tidak ada listrik. Lalu tanpa sengaja mommy ingat Museum Layang - Layang lalu kami bersiap dan pergi ke Museum Layang - Layang. Aku sudah tidak sabar lagi untuk cepat - cepat sampai. Katanya, disana bukan hanya layang - layang saja ada juga cara membuat keramik, membuat batik dan disana bisa membikin layang - layang sendiri. Ternyata jauh dan macet. Akhirnya kami sampai di Museum Layang - Layang. Kami memilih untuk membuat layang daripada membuat keramik atau membuat batik. Disana kami nonton dulu tentang sejarah layang - layang. Lalu kami melihat - lihat koleksi layang - layang yang ada disana. Disana ada banyak layang - layang yang besar dan keren. 

Kalau mau tahu tentang semua layang - layang yang ada disana segera saja kunjungi Museum Layang - Layang Indonesia. Wuih ! Keren - keren lho. Lalu disana hujan, yah, tapi gak papa lah.

Kendaraan untuk menerbangkannya
Layang - Layang sport

Disana aku melihat layang - layang sport yang dinaiki oleh seseorang disebuah kendaraan. Ini ada photoku ketika dipotret menaiki kendaraan layang - layang itu tapi layang layang itu tidak diterbangkan :                                                                                                                                                                         Lalu kami membuat layang - layang yang aku tunggu - tunggu sejak dari tadi.
Pertama tama aku lem dulu rangka kayunya.
 Lalu aku tempel rangka ke kertas yang akan aku gunting mengikuti garis yang telah ada menjadi layang - layang lalu aku lipat kertas mengikuti benang yang ada pada rangka kayu lalu sisinya aku potong sedikit dan aku warnai layang - layang sesukaku. Lalu diikat benang yang ada yang ada pada layang - layangku pada benang yang lain. 

Aku ingin menerbangkan layang layang baruku tapi karena diluar masih hujan maka aku terbangkan saja layang - layangku disekitar ruangan. Lalu kami pulang, cape tapi senang. Terima kasih Museum Layang - Layang.

Ini ada photo koleksi layang layang di Museum Layang - Layang :




Tanggal 31 October adalah hari yang sangat menyenangkan bagiku. Hari itu kami merencanakan untuk pergi ke Taman Safari, tapi ketika kami ingin ke arah sana ternyata macet total. Aku sangat sedih tapi kami pergi ke Mekarsari sebagai gantinya. Aku sudah tidak sabar lagi untuk cepat - cepat sampai ke Mekarsari. Ketika aku sampai disana aku sangat gembira karena aku sudah sampai ditujuan. Oh indah sekali Mekarsari. Begitu aku turun aku mencium udara segar disana. Bagi yang sudah pernah pergi ke Mekarsari tentu tahu apa yang aku maksud. Disana tidak tertutup tapi di alam bebas.

Inilah keretanya
Disana ada berbagai macam tour keliling untuk melihat berbagai macam area tempat dimana buah ditanam, ada yang hanya berjalan tanpa henti ada juga yang berjalan dan berhenti disetiap area perkebunan. Kami memilih mengikuti tour yang berhenti disetiap tempat dimana buah ditanam. Kami sangat beruntung karena kami pergi ke Mekarsari pada musim menuai.

Pertama tama kami pergi ke perkebunan buah Melon lalu mengambil jus buah melon dengan kupon yang kami dapat. Disana satu pohon ada satu buah melon. Disana ada juga Golden Melon atau Melon Emas. Aku tahu mengapa dinamai Golden Melon karena warnanya kuning keemasan. Disamping adalah satu buah melon.

Lalu yang kedua kami pergi melihat sawo duren. Kami tidak pergi melihat - lihat buah sawo duren melainkan menunggu dikereta karena kami tidak suka sawo duren. Disamping adalah fotoku ketika dipotret didepan gambar buah sawo duren.
Disana ada berbagai macam buah :
  • Varietas Rambutan ( 9 jenis )
  • Sirsak (Annona muricata)
  • Nangka 
  • Pepaya (Carica papaya)
  • Pala (Myristica fragrans)
  • Kopi 
  • Manggis 
  • Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis) 
  • Kelapa (Cocos nucifera)
  • Kedondong
  • Jambu Bol (Syzygium malaccense)
  • Jambu Air (Eugenia aquea burm)
  • Abiu
  • Maja ( Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa)
  • Kimalaka
  • Murbei (Morus alba L)
  • Nanas
  • Karendang
  • Srikaya atau serikaya (Annona squamosa)
  • Salak
  • Lengkeng
  • Mundu
  • Sawo
  • Lontar (Borassus flabellifer)
  • Rukam (Flacourtiaceae)
  • Kola nitida (Cola acuminata)
  • Ceremai (Phyllanthus acidus)
  • Buah Nona (Annona squamosa)
  • Sirsak Rawa
  • Jambu Air Mawar alias Jambu Kraton
  • Kepayang atau Kluwek
  • Kenari (Canarium ovatum)
  • Jambu Mede atau jambu (Anacardium occidentale)
  • Lobi - lobi (Flacourtia inermis)
  • Alkesa (Lucumma nervosa)
  • Nangkadak yang merupakan persilangan antara indukan Nangka Mini betina (Artocarpus heterophyllus) dengan indukan cempedak jantan (Artocarpus integer Merr.).
Produk - Produk Baru 2009, antara lain :
  • Sawo Putih 
  • Jambu Air King Citra 
  • Jambu Air Kampret 
  • Nangka Bola dan 
  • Nangka Tanpa Kulit. 
Jika ingin tahu lebih dalam tentang tanaman di Mekarsari bisa langsung membuka link berikut http://www.mekarsari.com 
Kami lalu menukar kupon yang kami punyai dengan 2 topi Mekarsari. Dikupon juga ada bibit pohon gratis, lalu kami tukar kupon itu dengan bibit pohon markisa dan bibit pohon jambu merah.    

Friday, November 5, 2010


Bees are the name of animal here.
Here is the classification : 
Kingdom       : Animalia.
Phylum          : Arthropoda.
Class             : Insecta.
Order            : Hymenoptera.
Family            : Apidae.
Subfamily       : Apinae.
Tribe              : Apini.
Genus            : Apis.

Bees move by flying. When they fly they are fast. They get food from flower. Part of the flower that bees eat are the nectar. They not eat the nectar, but turn the nectar into honey ! How do they do it ? Here comes the answer : Worker bee go to find flowers. When a worker bee finds a flowers, she takes straw - like tongue and sucks up the nectar. She stores the nectar in her honey stomach. She goes back to the hive and gives the nectar to another worker bee. That worker bee gives the honey to another bee called a house bee. The house bee stores the nectar in a honeycomb. She than fans the honey with her wings to evaporate most of the water from it. That is why honey is not runny. A seal of wax is put on the honeycomb to let it age and turn into honey ! 
One condition is the presence of live bees crops. In general the bees can live in all parts of the earth, except in polar region. This is due in no plants in polar region is the source of bee forage. 
Bees lay eggs. They are metamorphosed. There are four steps of bee metamorphosed
1. Egg : A queen lays soft white eggs in the comb. The egg stage takes place during days 1 through 3. 
2. Larva : In three days, the egg hatches into a larva. Workers feed it bee bread and bee milk. It spins a cocoon around itself. The larva stage takes place during days 4 through 9.
3. Pupa : In the cocoon, the larva turns into a pupa. It now has eyes, wings and legs. It looks more like a bee. This stage is during days 10 through 23, depending on type of bee it will become.
4. Adult : This is the final stage in a bee ' s complete metamorphosis. It is full grown. The bee chews its way out of the cell. It becomes an adult on days 16 through 24, depending on what type of it is.

Bees defense themselves by their sting. Two lancelets supported by hard plates. Strong muscles which are connected to a poison gland surround the sting. The purpose of a sting is for defense, however, once a honey bee stings, it also loses its live. The worker leaves the sting in the body of the victim and when pulling away ruptures the abdomen and thus dies.
Bees enemies is : germs, viruses, bacteria, fungi and enemy attack enemy ant and other bees.

Type of Bees :


During the first two days of it ' s life, a worker bee cleans it's cell. When they are 3 days old they feed the drones and larvae. During their last days in the hive, they guard the entrance. When the worker bee leaves  the hive, during it's journey  they collects water, pollen and nectar.


A queen lays all the eggs. For a queen to be born, the workers must feed the larva loyal jelly.


The drones have big, strong wings. They make up 10% of the hive colony. They use their strong wings for mating flight. After the mating flight, the workers take care of the drones. Before winter, the workers bite the wings off the drone, and kick them out of the hive since they are no more use. They are left to die.                                                                       


Bear are animal here.
Bears walk flat footed like humans do rather than on their toe like most animals. This allows them to walk upright like people. Polar bear has partially webbed toes for swimming and walking in the snow ( kind of snowshoes ! ) as well as furry bottoms to keep its feet warm in the ice. Giant pandas do not have a heel pad so they walk more on their toes.
Bear have food by hunting, hunting in garbage bin because they scavengers, which means that they like leftovers and are happy to eat carrion. Carrion is the decaying flesh of an animal that was killed and left behind by other predators or an animal which died of natural causes.
Bear will hunt animals such as baby deer, caribou, and elk. Insects, nuts, berries, sap, branches and roots are a big part of bear ' s diet. Bears that live near rivers can catch salmon, and they tend to grow much larger than other species of bear, because of this special, yummy treat ! Bears are omnivore.
They live all over the world, except in Antartica and Australia. Their habitats range from the snowy northern tundra to dense  rainforest and high mountain.
Bear hibernate not like most hibernating animals. In fact, many scientists would not even classify it as hibernation. True hibernation ( like we see in ground squirrels ) involves a drastic drop in body temperature but the hibernating animal will awaken occasionally to go to the bathroom and have a bite before resuming hibernation. When a bear ' hibernates ' it is really in a deep sleep. It ' s body temperature drops but not drastically and it does not wake up.... not even to go to the bathroom or get some food. The one exception is that a mother bear will wake up to give birth to her cubs in January or February. Since food is scarce in the winter bears figure that if you can not eat you might as well sleep. Bears that live in colder northern regions sleep in their dens right through the winter. In cases as long as seven month.
Once spring arrives, the bear (possibly some cubs) will emerge from their den with a big appetite. Bears like Asiatic bear live in warmer climates where food is readily available all year long and there is not need to hibernate.
Bears give birth. Female bears are ready to mate between age 3 and 8 years, but that will depend on their health and their weight. Female bears that is underweight cannot give birth.
When defending themselves, Bears make themselves look bigger by fluffing up their fur and standing on their hind legs. When angry they will growl, pound their paws on the ground and charge towards whatever is bothering them. They may not attack.... but they probably would not have to after a show like that. Mother bears can be very protective of their cubs and will attack if it becomes necessary.
Would it surprise you to know that an adult bear has almost no predators. Bears are large and can be quite intimidating so they do not have many enemies. Their biggest enemies are humans and each other.
Giant panda are endangered. Its habitats is shrinking due of the growing Chinese population spreading into the forested area and cutting down trees ( especially bamboo trees ) for more farmland. With its habitat getting smaller and farms cropping up all over it has a very difficult time migrating, or traveling to another area of bamboo forest. The giant panda also hunted for beautiful fur.
Classification of bear :
Kingdom       : Animalia.
Phylum          : Chordata.
Class             : Mammalia.
Order            : Carnivora.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Butterfly is the animal here.

Here is the clasification of Butterfly :
  • Kingdom     : Animalia 
  • Phylum        : Arthropoda
  • Class           : Insecta
  • Order          : Lepidoptera
  • Superfamily : Papilionoidea
  • Family         : Nymphalidae
  • Subfamily    : Danainae
  • Tribe           : Danaini
  • Genus         : Danaus
  • Species       : D.plexippus
Butterfly like its named move by fly. They were slow. When they rest, it will so with its wings  held over body.
They are herbivore. The larval or caterpillar stage and the adult butterfly food preferences, largely due to difference in their mouth parts.Caterpillar are very particular about what they eat, which is why the female butterfly lays her eggs only on certain plants. Caterpillars don't move much and may spend their entire lives on the same plant or even the same leaf.

Caterpillar have chewing mouth parts, called mandibles, which enable them to eat leaves and other plant parts. Caterpillar do not need to drink additional water because they get all they need from the plants they eat. Adult butterflies are also selective about what they eat. Unlike caterpillar, butterfly can roam about and look for suitable food over a much broader territory. In most cases, adult butterfly are able to feed on various liquids. They drink through a tube - like tongue called a proboscis. It uncoils to sip liquid food, and then coils up again into a spiral when the butterfly is not feeding. Most butterflies prefer flower nectar, but others may feed on the liquids found in rotting fruit, in ooze from trees, and in animal clung. Butterfly prefer to feed in sunny areas protected from wind.

Butterflies can flourish in several different types of habitats, such as wetlands, meadows, wood 's edge, rainforest, and even an urban garden. Unfortunately, many natural butterfly habitats are being destroyed by the elimination of weeds and native grass from yards, chemical pesticides, parks and roadways, as well as the deforestation of  tropical rainforests, the native habitat. Butterfly lay eggs.

They are metamorphosed. 
There are four steps of butterfly complete metamorphosed.
1. Egg : The first stage of the butterfly life cycle is the egg or ovum.
Butterfly eggs are tiny, vary in color and maybe round, cylindrical or oval.

2. Larva : The larva or caterpillar that hatch from the egg is the second stage in the life cycle of butterfly.
Caterpillar often, but not always, have several pairs of true legs, along with several pairs of false legs or prolegs. A caterpillar ' s primary activity is eating. They have a voracious appetite and eat almost constantly. As the caterpillar continues to eat, its body grows considerably. The tough outer skin or exoskeleton, however, does not grow or stretch along with the enlarging caterpillar. Instead, the old skin is shed in process called molting and it is replaced by a new, larger exoskeleton. A caterpillar may go through as many as four to five molting before it becomes a pupa or chrysalis.

3. Pupa : The third stage is known as the pupa or chrysalis. The caterpillar attaches itself to a twig, a wall or some other support and the exoskeleton splits open to reveal the chrysalis. The chrysalis hangs down like a small sack until the transformation to butterfly is complete. However, it is within the chrysalis shell that the caterpillar ' s structure is broken down and rearranged into the wings, body and legs of the adult butterfly. The pupa does not feed but instead gets its energy from the food eaten by the caterpillar or the larva stage. Depending on the species, the pupa stage may last for a few days or it may last for more than a year. Many butterfly species overwinter or hibernate as pupae.

4. Adult : The fourth, final, and the most wonderful stage of the life cycle is the adult. Once the chrysalis casing splits, the butterfly emerges.
It will eventually mate and lay eggs to begin the cycle all over again. Most adult butterflies will live only a week or two, while a few species may live as long as 18 months.
Largely defenseless against many of these hungry predators, Lepidoptera have developed a number of passive ways to protect themselfes. One way is by themselfes inconspicuous through the use of camouflage. The enemies of butterflies are birds, spiders, lizards and various other animal.

Butterfly are not endangered.  

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My New Caterpillar

Setelah ulat buluku yang lama mati aku menemukan ulat baru yang cantik berwarna hitam dan orange.
Dia kutemukan di sebuah pohon dirumahku. Lalu aku taruh ulat itu disebuah toples dimana aku memberikan daun dimana dia kutemukan. Ulat sangat pemilih dengan apa yang mereka makan. Mungkin mengapa ulatku yang pertama mati karena daun yang aku berikan bukan kesukaan dia karna dia aku temukan di lantai halaman rumahku.


Setelah kurawat selama satu hari, dia berubah menjadi kepompong.
Kepompong untuk mejadi kupu - kupu itu ada yang hanya memerlukan beberapa hari saja dan ada yang lebih dari satu tahun....!!!!
Setelah beberapa hari, disuatu pagi ketika aku masih tidur mami ku berteriak:
"Matthew.... Matthew...... cepat kesini". Aku kaget sekali dan langsung lari keluar kamar dan mendapati bahwa kepongpong sudah menjadi kupu-kupu yang berwarna hitam.

Setelah aku menemukan ulat itu aku mulai mempelajari tentang seluruh proses metamorphosis kupu - kupu dari berbagai sumber, sehingga aku bisa mengetahui secara teori dan sekaligus melihat secara langsung. Finally I can see the complete process metamorphosed of butterfly.
Here is the picture :
Kupu-Kupu Dewasa